Sunday, 28 October 2012

On the Edge

On the edge of this narrow peaked mountain, i stand and look around..heavy clouds barely touching my gloves carried all the humidity around..a warning sign that says rain will fall down now..

On the edge, i am..

With every breath i take, i re-call my science teacher, his voice is echoing all around me now stating one of those important facts; On high altitudes oxygen concentration drops..consequently hemoglobin oxygen saturation falls down below its normal value..therefore don't go up this mountain without intensive professional training,go up 'n down, up again n' down.. don't go up without repeating so many falls.

On the edge,i am..

Adaptation is a bless..with all those falls my body cells should have adapted to those varying oxygen pressures 'n saturation.. that's what i thought shall be the case..

On the edge,i am..

Every rise 'n fall helped my lungs alot..every time i get higher i feel the difference and feel blessed to have spent so many times in getting trained for that..

Unfortunately, it was not only about lung 'n air capacity..unfortunately my muscles had to build up its own energy from non-oxygen using pathways..i ended up with tons of cramps, lactic acid occupying every curve of my muscle fibers..resides in every corner to bring much pain to it, i yearn for a massage but that's not how its like when you are in the middle of a mission!

On the edge,i am..

Remembering all those rises 'n falls brought me back some not only blissful moments, but lots of pain, tears and wishes to end up the whole thing, rest and close your eyes..

But with every minute of such pain..of such struggle, i wouldn't have made it now, i wouldn't have been touching the surface of this very important top of a mountain..i wouldn't have been wrapped with this very special humidity that makes it even more difficult to breath and hold on..i wouldn't have achieved my dream, i wouldn't have been now sitting in here, thinking about such past..

Yes, even such pain was a blessing.

On the edge,i am..

I remembered every moment not only of exercise, of pain 'n fears..most importantly i remembered those moments when i was down..just thinking about how UP can be so nice, can be so challenging but worth it all..remembered those moments when i was mocking the glory of such moment, where i am living now!

On the edge, i am..

I dropped all those thoughts and decided to just live it ahead 'n enjoy being on the edge, for at least..sometime..the rain will fall off in any moment..

And for now, i ll just sit in, relax and enjoy the glory of getting on top of this mountain, the climb wasnt easy and i knew it, the fight wasn't simple and i went through it, now its the winner's right to contemplate, meditate and look the world in the eye, speak up and say "I DID IT"

Now, its my time to enjoy before i get back into the mission of getting down with those weather changes i am anticipating..its my time finally..

On the edge..


Inspired by Omar Samra's experience on Everest, Narrated all through Mohamed Kenawy