Sunday, 6 March 2011

A few of what i can explain (Thought 1) The Unknown Heart August 2010

A dream is a wish your heart makes. Yes this is true.

Finally someone decided to declare that hearts can "Wish", can "talk", and can "convince" your mind with something. To keep it short; I think someone finally declared that a heart can do many things beyond just "Feeling" and "beating".

In terms of life, Hearts are usually what take you to hell. What make you suffer & what make you unrealistic at many occasions? But is that for real?

Heart is a muscle; biologically a brain can't function without the muscle's help.

Do you think in the miracle of creation; the role of both was not illustrated?
I believe it was..This is the journey to where it takes..

A heart; the strong muscle. An essential organ to your vital functions, have you ever witnessed a human being with no heart? No; he/she would have simply had no life. This organ is the sacrifice and risk taker; it can add extra load on itself just to supply other organs with the adequate requirements. Just for others to survive.

What a magnificent illustration!

God wanted us to learn that a big heart is the strong one that never loses faith even if all the circumstances are beyond the word "against". A big heart Is the one that makes all what it takes for others to be at ease and rest. A big heart is a big heart..a dynamic foundation of giving without staying stagnant for "what's back"; for a reward.

For the maestro, the leader of your body systems function to properly perform its complex tasks; the heart must supply it no matter how difficult or even no matter how ill the heart is. Isn't that an extra illustration?

For you to reach logical conclusions and proper decision making; you must use your heart; the consultant of your brain.

Its time for millions of us to stop considering thinking with the heart as a default mistake everyone does. Your heart is your everything. Proof it? You can't live without it. Functionally and consciously.

Its time to be more responsible for ourselves decisions, to stop moving on the role of "Blame it on the dog", to realize that for your proper decision making it takes you sometime to meet with your heart and your brain. If you ever get to separate between both; and to ignore the other by that time; the one who will lose a valuable contribution will only be YOU.

Today then we must be aware of our hearts value. They don’t just keep beating, they don’t even just keep feeling; but on the contrary they offer us a huge compilation of tasks and benefits.

Our lord, You are to be thanked for the wise, marvelous illustrations you offer us. A generous giving for the contemplators; to analyze, think and realize the idealism of your demonstrations. And thereby; to thank you for your blessings in every aspect of their lives. Thank You!

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